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UrbanistAI is a generative AI platform for participatory planning and co-design.

Participatory planning of Helsinki summer streets with UrbanistAI

Replacing maps, post-its and pinboards with the universal language of images.

An intuitive web app that transforms citizens and stakeholders from commentators to active contributors in the design process.

At UrbanistAI, our ambition extends beyond developing a single generative model for participatory planning. Our vision is to create a comprehensive urban planning platform that integrates multiple AI technologies, each contributing their unique capabilities and strengths.

By combining various AI tools, our platform becomes a powerful, all-encompassing solution that addresses diverse aspects of participatory planning and co-design.

UrbanistAI encourages citizens and stakeholders to become key contributors in the planning and design process, fostering greater community engagement and collaboration.
Active Participation
The platform streamlines participation, making it easy for clients, non-professionals, architects, and designers to share and understand ideas in a common visual language.
Efficiency and Communication
UrbanistAI supports the reshaping of local agendas, contributing to the overall wellbeing of our cities through inclusive, community-driven urban planning initiatives.
Holistic Urban Wellbeing
Upload the photo of an urban space that you would like to transform

Create your visions by using guided prompts with various options for transformations

Easily incorporate specific elements using our predefined brushes

Customise spaces by adding Drag & Drop Elements directly onto the image
Create advanced transformations by selecting an area and providing detailed descriptions of what you want to see

Generate multiple unique visualisations and modify them further

Utilise the built-in polling feature to enable participants to cast votes

Receive a comprehensive report summarising the workshop results
UrbanistAI is a versatile tool that can enhance various professional urban planning and architecture projects.
•     Participatory Planning Workshops

Engage citizens in the planning process by organising workshops to discuss and visualise their ideas for a new urban project (e.g., redesigning a local park or reimagining a city square).

•     Proposal Presentations
•     Public Engagement
•     Design Collaboration
Book a Demo
Our offerings focus on three key areas:

Our expert team prepares and delivers a co-design workshop with the community and local place leaders.

We support public participation workshops customised to your specific requirements, this includes training local moderators to run the workshop with us.


Cities, consultants, and communities interested in utilising UrbanistAI with their own approach and personnel can acquire a licence for the platform and participate in a workshop to learn how to run sessions using UrbanistAI.

We provide training materials for professionals, enabling them to serve as moderators for UrbanistAI workshops and design sessions, or to employ the tool for other purposes such as kick-starting projects with clients.


UrbanistAI can be installed in public areas, at events, exhibitions or within city showrooms, enabling continuous exploration and reimagining of urban futures.

Our team also offers immersive virtual and augmented reality experiences, further enhancing engagement and creative expression within the community.

This comprehensive approach encourages ongoing interaction and innovative thinking among citizens and stakeholders.

Our Selected Clients
To find out more about our services and obtain pricing details, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Let’s talk
February 2023
Edge of Government Exhibition in Dubai
We showcased UrbanistAI at the Edge of Government exhibition in Dubai. The event, a platform for global government innovations, enabled participants to interact with UrbanistAI's technology and generate urban scenarios of Dubai.
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January 2023
Co-Designing the Helsinki summer streets 2023
UrbanistAI conducted a 2-day workshop in January 2023, engaging Helsinki citizens and entrepreneurs to shape car-free streets for summer 2023.
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October 2021
Re:Center Jyväskylä
UrbanistAI's pilot workshop in Jyväskylä revolutionised public space planning. The tool allowed for effective visual communication of ideas, enhancing input for professional planners to reimagine the future design of the city’s high street.
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March 2021
Re:Center Narva
We implemented a workshop series with elementary schools and gymnasiums in Narva to educate students on participatory planning and co-design the vision of the city's future.
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Lecture & Workshop

AI for Participatory Planning (LINA 2023)

Our co-founder Damiano Cerrone will be giving a lecture and leading a workshop as part of VI PER's 2023 LINA Platform program, exploring the challenges of co-design and the potential of generative AI in participatory planning.

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AI Aided Architectural Fabrication 2023 Symposium

UrbanistAI will be featured at the AI Aided Architectural Fabrication 2023 Symposium in Berlin, where experts will discuss the role of artificial intelligence in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry.

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World of Digital Built Environment Summit 2023

UrbanistAI co-founder Damiano Cerrone will be participating in the World of Digital Built Environment Summit 2023. He will deliver a talk titled "Reimagining the Future of Our Cities with UrbanistAI," which will cover not only the role of citizen participation in urban planning, but also how universities are effectively utilising UrbanistAI in their design and communication practices.

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UrbanistAI tool was created through a collaboration between SPIN Unit and Toretei.

Our partnership aims to revolutionize the urban planning process, enhance efficiency, and develop innovative solutions tailored to modern urban challenges.

Via T. Salvini n.25
Rome 00197

Pursimiehenkatu 13,
Helsinki 00150

Our multidisciplinary team combines Toretei's advanced AI development capabilities with SPIN Unit's urban planning expertise, fostering a comprehensive understanding of how cities can best apply and utilize AI technologies for innovation.

Both Toretei and SPIN Unit were established and run by academics, who constantly run joined research and development activities to develop UrbanistAI and ensure that clients receive future-proof solutions that are adaptable and scalable to accommodate evolving needs and challenges in urban planning.

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